A - E

All right the first week of the blog (I'll probably be taking weekends off from posting) is up and people seem to like it.  It should take me a month or so to go through my backlog of pix and get them all posted then I'll start posting more recent stuff.  Don't worry, I've been collecting new stuff the last few weeks and it'll all get posted.  Until then, don't be shy about commenting.  I'd like to know what you guys (and gals) think, pro or con.  Love a celebrity and want to see more?  Sick of someone and never want to see her again?  Let me know - I may or may not do anything about it but I'll at least take it into consideration.  As always, if you've got anything you want to say/ask personally (without using the comments) or want to send me pix (celebrity or personal), e-mail me at TC@takethepitch.com or just hit the "Contact" up near the top of the page.

To answer a couple of questions -
1.  To Bad Anon (from the chief's old page) - At this time I don't think I'll be doing anything with sandaled feet right now.  Not that I have anything against them - I've got tons of pix - but I think I want to concentrate on just the toe cleavage stuff for right now.  I'm sure there's some other blog(s) out there catering to sandals and generall high heels.

2.  To Anonymous re: video - I'd like to add some video here and most likely will at some point, probably not until I'm relatively caught up in posting pix though.  I'm still getting my feet wet with this blogging thing and I don't want to get the blog too cluttered or screw up the formatting.

How about the rest of you - any questions, comments?  What/who would you like to see on this blog?  If you guys don't want to set up a name/account on blogger, that's cool, but if you put a name/alias on your comments it makes it easier for me to respond (otherwise I'm just talking to a bunch of Anonymous-es).

- number2
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